Asset Division With Your Needs In Mind

People often overlook the significance of retirement accounts in the division of property in a divorce. It is not uncommon that the value of retirement savings is the number one marital asset or number two after the family home. Retirement funds can be quite technical to divide. Any money set aside prior to marriage is separate from marital property. But as interest accumulates, some of the value may become marital in nature. In the case of 401(k) and 403(b), the court may issue a qualified domestic relations order, or QDRO, a form that is both complex and fraught with risk. Our Blue Springs division of retirement attorney at the Troy J. Leavitt Law Firm, LLC can provide you with detailed legal guidance.


Forms of Retirement Eligible for Division Our Attorney Is Skilled At Dividing Every Kind Of Retirement And Employment Benefit. We Handle All These Plus Other Assets:

  • Pensions (defined benefit and defined contribution)
  •  401(k)s and 403(b)s
  • IRAs, SEP-IRAs and Roth IRAs
  •  Employee stock options
  •  Life insurance

Kansas City Metro Area Family Lawyer Comfortable With the QDRO Process

There is no better time to have a skilled retirement division attorney than during a QDRO. Troy J. Leavitt has enjoyed steady success working within the requirements of QDROs. If you have substantial retirement accounts to divide, you need to work with an experienced QDRO attorney like Troy Leavitt. Just because you held down the job, and the benefits have your name on them, does not mean they belong to you. Talk to our firm to get a better understanding of what is rightfully yours, and what must be shared.

Give us a call at (816) 228-6000  or contact us online to learn more about how we can meet your legal needs in Blue Springs

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