Divorce typically leads to the division of all assets from the marriage in two. Everything you owned together goes on the table: houses and other real estate, businesses and practices, cars, savings and investment accounts, retirement and pension plans, employee benefits, horses, clothes, jewelry and toys. Likewise, all debts acquired during the marriage are split between the two of you.
Property division is an exhaustive and emotional process. Many people are so fatigued by the divorce, they pay little attention to the division. That’s why it’s crucial to have a lawyer like Troy Leavitt on your side, someone who knows what’s most important to you in the division, and fights for your interests even when you’re zoning out.
Both Missouri and Kansas are equitable distribution states. This means you are required not to make a strict 50/50 split of all you own, but to effect a fair division, taking into account such factors as length of relationship, the age and health of the two individuals, income and liabilities of each partner, and the standard of living established during the marriage.
Our goal is to effect a marital property division in which you are given the assets that matter most to you. We do this through negotiation, swapping items with less priority to you for items that are more important to you. Rather than a 50/50 split, the end result may be more like 55/45 — but you will retain the assets that you hold dear.
Property division is an intricate process requiring attention to detail and persistence in pursuing your interests. Over the years, Troy Leavitt has earned the confidence of clients by understanding their objectives and fighting to achieve them for you.
When you need to satisfactorily effect fair division of property and debts, start with Blue Springs division of property lawyer Troy Leavitt. Call at (816) 228-6000 or email our attorney using this online form.
Contact us at (816) 288-6000 to schedule a confidential consultation.
Blue Springs Lawyer Serving the Kansas City Metro Area